Wheel Cap Replacer

About this product

The Wheel Cap Replacer (#09183-28010), a key component in Toyota's Standard Tool system, primarily serves to facilitate the removal and replacement of wheel caps. This Engine-Fuel part plays a critical role in maintaining the aesthetic and functional integrity of the wheels. It functions by gripping and loosening the wheel cap, allowing for its efficient removal and replacement. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Wheel Cap Replacer (#09183-28010), are optimal for compatibility with your vehicle and come with the added security of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Wheel Cap Replacer (#09183-28010) is crucial. An old or broken tool may result in damage to the wheel cap or render its removal difficult, potentially compromising wheel function. Therefore, maintaining this part in optimal condition directly contributes to the effectiveness and safety of your vehicle's wheels and, by extension, the overall performance of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 09183-28010

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